To create a flight or a series of flights in under two minutes, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your CitizenPlane platform and go to the "My Flights" page.
  2. Click on the Drop Button to “Add Flights”
  3. Enter the flight's origin and destination. A calendar will then appear.
  4. If this is a single flight, click on the flight date. You can then add a return flight that will be sold separately.
  5. If you want to sell a series of flights:
  6. If there are some dates where you do not want to sell your flight, do not worry. You will be able to delete some specific dates later in the process.
  7. Click on "Add Flight Details".
  8. Enter flight details by clicking on the "Add a Flight" card:
  9. If you have created a series of flights, then the list of dates will appear here. You can unclick the dates where you are not flying, if there are any. If you have created return flights, then do the same for return flights.
  10. Click on "Save Flight".
  11. If you need passenger passport information for this flight (date and country of issue, expiration date), then click the "Does this flight require APIs?" button. We ask that you please do not ask for this information unless it is absolutely mandatory for passengers to fly.
  12. Click on "Check and Confirm". Here, you can check all your flights before you upload them.
  13. Click on the green button to create all your flights. Your flights will then appear as "Pending" (purple dot). Wait a few minutes, and we'll open them!
  14. You can then update each flight's info: number of seats, price, etc.
  15. You’re done!

Creating flights can be a time-consuming process, but it doesn't have to be. In fact, there are several ways to create flights more efficiently: