T&C - Schedule Changes

To ensure that we avoid legal claims, we require that fewer than 1 per cent of your bookings undergo a Schedule Change. Therefore, we kindly ask that you refrain from posting a flight with an unconfirmed schedule.

As soon as you receive information about a change in one of your flights, please inform us immediately at [email protected] following this process:

Upon receiving the notification, we will modify the existing flight schedule so that existing bookings can be updated and new bookings be made with the proper schedule.

Additionally, we will notify the passengers, who can either keep their ticket or be reimbursed for their flight if the change is more than three (3) hours.

The passengers will be notified via email of the Schedule Change and given the option to accept or refuse it. You will also receive an email notification when the passenger accepts or refuses the change.

Each booking will be displayed as either "CONFIRMED" or "CANCELED" on your platform and on the flight's final PNL.

Please note the following:

Thank you for your cooperation. Please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any further questions or concerns.