How to send your flight content to CitizenPlane using Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP)

Connecting to CitizenPlane's FTP server


Connecting to CitizenPlane's FTP server requires an sFTP username and password. If you do not have sFTP enabled for your account, please get in touch with [email protected] to have your account configured and receive a username and password.

To connect to the server using CyberDuck, first install the software and then click on the top left of the application's main window and select "Open Connection".

Connecting to the server

There are various tools that can be used as an FTP client, but in this guide we will be using CyberDuck as an example.


To connect to the server using CyberDuck, first install the software and then click on the top left of the application's main window and select "Open Connection".

Enter the following information:

Protocol: FTP or sFTP


Username: {your_username} (starts with ftp-user)

Password: {your_password}

and click on Connect.

If you choose to use FTP, a warning will be prompted, please click continue.